Tuesday, 28 August 2012

      Some interesting facts of Parkour

What is the general term for a practitioner of parkour?
       Traceur. The term "traceur" is derived from the French word "tracer," which is slang for "to go fast." "Traceuse" a term used to describe a female parkour enthusiast.

The sport of parkour was developed in Lisses, France, a suburb of Paris. Who is usually considered to be it's founder?
       David Belle. Belle developed the movements of parkour with a group of friends in the 1980s. Foucan, Perriere, and Diouf were other members of this group, which later became known as the "Yamakasi."

One of the most well-known movie scenes involving parkour was the opening chase scene in the 2006 James Bond film, "Casino Royale". In the scene, 007 chased a bomb-maker named Mollaka through a construction site in Madagascar. What famous parkour athlete played Mollaka?
       Sebastien Foucan. In addition to his role in "Casino Royale", Foucan appeared in the music video of Madonna's 2005 single "Jump". Sebastien worked with David Belle to create parkour and is considered one of the primary founders of freerunning.

In which type of environment is parkour most commonly practiced?
       At ground level with obstacles such as railings, low walls, and short buildings. The majority of amateur traceurs stay relatively safe by staying close to the ground. While many movies and internet videos show traceurs jumping across large gaps between multi-story buildings, this is very dangerous and should only be attempted by very skilled and experienced practitioner. There are a few parkour gyms that offer a place to practice movements in a safe, controlled setting.

Which of the following pieces of equipment is required for parkour or freerunning training?
      There is no required equipment. One of the best things about parkour and freerunning is that there is no required equipment. Many traceurs use sweat bands and gloves to protect themselves from scrapes while others prefer to use bare hands to better feel the environment. Although it may seem crazy, many experienced traceurs train without shoes. In fact, David Belle once said, "bare feet are the best shoes".

What is the name for the parkour movement that involves jumping from a spot on one object, to a specific spot on a second object?
       Precision. A precision is a useful parkour move that requires power and balance. The movement generally involves jumping from one narrow platform, such as the top of a wall, to another. More skilled traceurs can jump over a very large distance and land perfectly balanced on a narrow rail.

One of the most important skills for any beginner to learn is the roll. It is very useful for preventing injury by dissipating t0he energy after a long jump or drop. Which of these best describes the technique used for a roll in parkour?
       Put your hands on the ground and roll your body over one shoulder and across the diagonal of the back while being sure not to hit your head on the ground. Rolling is one of the first movements taught to beginner traceurs. In addition to preventing injury, it allows the traceur to get up quickly and move smoothly into the next motion.

Which of these movements would be seen in freerunning, but not parkour?
       Wall spin. A wall spin involves running up to a wall, placing your hands on the wall, and performing a flip while still in contact with the wall. While it is an impressive and aesthetically pleasing maneuver, it has no practical purpose and is not the most efficient way to overcome an obstacle.

When approaching a handrail, what is the best and most efficient way to overcome it?
      It depends on the entire situation. In parkour, the methods for moving past an obstacle are almost unlimited. A speed vault, which involves jumping sideways and righting the body by pushing off of the obstacle, is a quick way to get past low walls and railings. For longer or higher obstacles, a kong vault, which involves diving forward horizontally and pushing off with the hands to return to a vertical position, is useful. An underbar is a movement that involves swinging under a bar or railing. In freerunning, additional creative movements are possible and allow endless possibilities.