CAT-LEAP When you can't reach a wall with your feet, The techneque to use is a Cat Leap. This jump consists of landing with your arms and absorbing the impact withh your legs and feet. There are two types of Cat Leaps - The Slide and The Grip....
LANDING FROM HEIGHT This is a jumpfrom height towards a lower area. On landing when a jump is small, Bend the legs. When the jump is further, Execute a roll on landing. We talk about high landings when referring to anything above two metres.
MONKEY VAULT Whilst running, use either one or two feet to jump and use two hands to grab onto an obstacle in order to cross it.
WALL RUN Whilst running, Place a foot on a wall in order to propel yourself forward and upwards, over a barrier or obstacle.
TIC-TAC : When Running, Place a foot on the wall and use as a foothold to propel yourself over barriers and obstacles.
BALANCE : Work with precision on a bar.
Jump with careful placement of the feet onto a bar or a low wall.
This technique aides landing by redistributing the force of the jump.